Parish Plan Newsletter No.2

Firstly I would like to promote two up and coming village events.
There will be a Prize Bingo evening on Thursday 24th Feb.2011 , eyes down at 7:15pm
also a Parsh Quiz night on the 5th March 2011, starting at 7:15pm with a fish & chips inc.
Please support these events as they will be fun evenings. Details will be on the village notice boards or alternatively contact Angie 01235 751210 or email [email protected]
Details can also be found on our website which now can be viewed via the village website . We also have a new feature on the website with a fun competition guessing places around the villages from some obscure photographs, see how well you know the village and get the answers in via email to [email protected] . or posted through the letterbox of 9 Blacklands, Churchway, sparsholt.  Winners will be announced in next news letter. Any other queries or question relating to the Parish plan can be asked via our email.
We would also like to welcome a new member to the steering Group, Mrs Jane Jackson. We are still looking for more people in the village to either volunteer to help with events and activities or join the steering group.

Parish Plan progress report.
An important milestone in the preparation of the Parish Plan was reached in January when the project plan was presented to the Steering Group. The plan describes the activities and resources needed to get the Parish Plan ready and when and over what time-scale the work is to be carried out. Preparation of a parish plan follows national guidelines that are intended to save time and help communities to benefit from the experiences of others. The guidelines cover 3 main stages:

·         Start-up. Initial village meeting to gauge interest in a parish plan and reach agreement to proceed. Appointment of  volunteers to form a steering group and make the initial preparations.

·         Consultation. Gather information in several ways – questionnaires, social events, etc. that involve people in expressing their views on the parish’s future. Develop an action plan.

·         Parish plan. Put together the first draft and consult with the community to produce the final document.

A challenge in planning the project was to arrive at a realistic timetable that also allowed people the opportunity to get involved. Taking the lead set by other community’s experiences the project is scheduled to run until early April 2012 when a celebration event will launch the Parish Plan. Key milestones along the way include:

·         Late February 2011: Conclusion of start-up activities and project launch.

·         Mid-June 2011: Finish of the consultation process when everybody’s views are gathered together.

·         Early November 2011: Production of an action plan that refects people's wishes expressed during the consultation process

         Start of April 2012: Publication of the final version of the Parish Plan.

Included in the timetable is a 7-week break from mid-July to the end of August 2011. This is to allow for school holidays and provide a buffer to catch up if any tasks are running late.

Progress Update. Most of the start-up activities are now complete. Preparations are well underway for a bingo evening and quiz night as part of the consultation process. Work on preparing a questionnaire is due to start shortly.

As with any project, the success of our Parish Plan is dependent on the extent to which people get involved and participate in the various activities. If you wish to volunteer and join the project team please contact Jorge Mendoça (751162) or Angie Brown (751210). Thanks to those of you who have already “signed-up”!